Newsletter from Baltic Ecosystem Adaptive Management | To view message in your browser click here


This is the BEAM-newsletter for June. Please forward it to people you think will find it interesting. 

BEAM co-writes AMBIO special issue!

BEAM researchers will produce a Special Report in the Journal AMBIO in spring 2015 together with EcoChange, the other strategic marine environmental research programme. The articles will focus on the management perspective and be interdisciplinary. The Report is in line with BEAM's goal to conduct novel ecosystem research of management relevance, and make it available to others.

Steering group meeting 130521  

A summary of the latest steering group meeting is now available. The complete minutes can also be downloaded as a PDF (in Swedish). Some key decisions are:  

  • Are you going to a conference? Some expenses linked to participation at international conferences where BEAM results are presented can be covered. Apply to the network coordinator/programme coordinator.

  • Stakeholder meeting In order to communicate BEAM to managers an international stakeholder meeting is being planned for fall 2014. 

Nordic Marine Science Conference 2013
- Marine ecosystems in a changing environment

This year's conference will take place in Oslo 28-30 October, and is jointly organized by Norske havforskeres forening and the Swedish Society for Marine Sciences. The conference organizers invite you to submit abstracts for the thematic or open sessions. Read more and register!

Have a nice summer!   


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