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NorFor accurately predicts feed intake of legume-based forages.

Legume-based forages are widely used worldwide. Legumes provide the forage share of the diet higher quality due to higher digestibility and feed intake thus, increasing milk production. Moreover, an accurate prediction of the feed intake of the cow will make the utilization of the farm resources more efficient, concluding in economical and environmental benefits.

A new trial from Aarhus University with dairy cows focusing on grass and legumes shows that NorFor´s feed intake prediction system has a relatively low error, whether the ration contains no legumes or a high share of legumes.

To see the results of this trial click here.

Meet Antonia Fleck. Norfor`s sales representative Germay

From now on, Antonia will be part of the NorFor team. She will act as Sales Representative for Norfor in Germany.

Antonia has graduated in B.Sc. Organic Agriculture from University of Kassel (Germany). For her thesis project, she decided to evaluate the potencial of NorFor feed control system for increasing resource efficiency, especially nitrogen efficiency.

She has also participated of last year´s Advisory Workshop and helped NorFor in several activities.

Welcome Antonia to the team!!!

To contact Antonia email her to


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